Business Analyst Training Course in Delhi.110072 . Best Online Data Analyst Training in Dehradun by IIM/IIT Faculty, [ 100% Job in MNC] Professional
9 months ago - Post Operative Care - Delhi - 43 viewsGet a great career path to a career in Business analytics byStructured Learning Assistance
InBusiness Analytics program, you'll learn high in-demand “skills set” that willhave you job-ready in 3-4 months only. LearningBusiness Analytics Online, Classroom or Business Analytics Workshop.Step in into the world of BusinessAnalytics with SLA Consultants detailed courses, best to guidelearners through the complexities of Business in real world. SLA’s Business Analysis Certification course helps to startyour valuable career as BusinessAnalyst & provides online or Workshop training on Excel,VBA, SQL, Tableau, Alteryx and Power BI with 24+ real-life Live Projects in Business Analysis. PowerBI, SPSS and R Master class: Learn Power BI, SPSS and R from Basics to Advanced. Statistics & Mathematics for Business Science & Business Analytics.
Getactivate in the high-growth jobs of BusinessAnalyst with a professional certificate from StructuredLearning Assistance. Learn job-ready “skills set“ that are in demandof Big 4 and Top MNCs . BusinessAnalytics Course Online, Classroom or Workshop training helpsyou master on Excel, VBA, SQL, R, Python, SQL, Alteryx and Power BI. Learn fromthe eminent IIT/NIT Faculty & become global certified Business Analyst.Explore the best Businessanalytics course online with job guarantee. Structured Learning Assistance Skillsoffers comprehensive training, industry-aligned syllabus, fundamentals and realtime implementation.
Unlockyour career as Business Analyst is easy now with StructuredLearning Assistance Online Classroomor Workshop . “Ranked As Top Program” by Various reputedcompanies. Gain the “skills set” for a 100% Job. Businessanalysis course curriculum . Microsoft Excel, VBA, Macros,Spreadsheet Google Software that allows you to collect, clean, organize, andanalyze Business sets with 100% accuracy
FewRecent Google Reviews
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I'mthankful to all the teachers and SLA team
Ijoined Business Analyst course at SLA Consultant and I am very satisfied.Learning from Mr Gupta Sir at SLA Institute was very impressive and got tolearn many new things from him. The course structure was systematic, and thejob assistance added value. Overall it was a great experience with them.…!!!!.
SLABusiness Analyst has excellent faculty and very supportive stuffs. Sir, havingrelevant industry knowledge, is proficient in advance excel and other modules.It is a fantastic journey with them and I can recommend anyone who wants tostart his/her journey towards Business driven new world.
I havecompleted my Business Analytics course from SLA. Covering all the modulesrequired to be an Analyst. The teachers are good with a good command over thesubject taught by them. The management also helps in solving any doubts andwith proper placement help.
SLA isindeed an excellent institution where you can obtain certifications in variouscourses, just as I did in Business Analytics/Science. It not only equips youwith practical knowledge but also enhances your chances of securing a positionin a reputable company. Thanks to SLA Consultants, I recently received a joboffer. Joining SLA can truly open doors for you, and it's definitely aworthwhile investment.
SLA Consultants Business Analyst Training Course in Delhi.110072 . Best Online Data Analyst Training in Dehradun by IIM/IIT Faculty, [ 100% Job in MNC] June Offer'24, Learn Advanced Excel, MIS, MySQL, Power BI, Python Data Science and Microstrategy, Top Training Center in Delhi NCR - SLA Consultants India, Details are available at the link below:
Visit Us for Fee & Offer by SLA Consultants India
Business Analyst Course
Module 1 - Basic and AdvancedExcel With Dashboard and Excel Analytics
Module 2 - VBA / Macros -Automation Reporting, User Form and Dashboard
Module 4 - Tableau | MS PowerBI ▷ BI & Data Visualization
Module 5 - Python | RPrograming ▷ BI & Data Visualization
Module 6 - Python Data Scienceand Machine Learning - 100% Free in Offer - by IIT/NIT Alumni Trainer
SLAConsultants India
82-83,3rd Floor, Vijay Block,
AboveTitan Eye Shop,
MetroPillar No. 52,
LaxmiNagar, New Delhi,110092
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