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Fam Phy (A Family physician on call) Professional

3 years ago Pathologist Gurgaon   45 views

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Location: Gurgaon
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At a time when the trend in the country is towards super specialty and tertiary care hospitals, branded doctors and more and more specialty doctors, there are those who have been questioning the directions medical service has been taking in India. To what extent does this trend serve the health care needs of India’s large and teeming population, most of whom constitute from the middle class to the poor.
One such doctor, passionately concerned over the health needs of the majority of our population, is Dr Soumik Kalita, who has been a strong advocate for the revamping of the primary health care system in India. He feels that investing mainly in tertiary care is not the solution for addressing the health care needs of our population. Dr Kalita wrote in his blog, “Tertiary care is less than 5% of the total health care needs of the people of India but consumes 90% of the resources”. Today the primary health care physicians who are responsible for filtering around 90% of the ailments are becoming a diminishing species and is also not part of the government’s agenda, he complains.
According to Dr Kalita in a typical Indian average household, an illness can be disastrous for the whole family. Even though there are government run public hospitals they are inadequate, and medical treatment, he says, is beyond the reach of millions in the country even after 70 years of independence.
“As a medical entrepreneur trying to create a sustainable business model, I sometimes feel like a mute onlooker to the obvious apathy around me”, he lamented.

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